In The Line Of Duty Arkham Knight

Jul 10, 2015 One of the first you will come across in Arkham Knight are the Line of Duty missions, where Batman is tasked with saving 15 fireman and then their chief. Just like with many side missions in Arkham Knight, you can do most of them in any order, as long as you’ve advanced in the game far enough. The Line of Duty is yet another most wanted side mission in Batman Arkham Knight. It starts during the first chapter. In order to complete it, you have to track down and rescue 16 missing firefighters. They’ve been taken hostage and tortured by thugs all over Gotham. IGN's Guide to finding to rescuing firefighters in The Line of Duty in Batman: Arkham Knight.This video shows the locations and encounters for all six firefi. Jul 05, 2015 Thank you for printing this page from Remember to come back to check for updates to this guide and much more content for Batman: Arkham Knight Print this page More Guides The Line of Duty. Batman Arkham Knight Guide: The Line Of Duty Guide After a couple of missions in Batman Arkham Knight you will gain access to side missions. The Line Of Duty is a mission you will get as soon as you get into the Gotham City Police Station. This Batman Arkham Knight The Line Of Duty Guide will help you get it done quickly!

Make you way to the active waypoint marker then enter Detective Mode. Next, locate the thugs gathering on the top floor of the Red Dragon restaurant. Grapple your way up and hang off the edge of the railing, slowly shimmying along toward the group of goons.

The Line of Duty (Part 2)

There are eight hostiles in the area, three of which are carrying guns. Shimmy to the three nearest thugs and initiate a Fear Multi-takedown from below. Work quickly and you'll be able to take the majority of enemies out in one go. Finish off any remaining opponents then untie the hostage to complete the second part of The Line of Duty.

City of Fear (continued)

Return to Mercy Bridge to resume tracking the Arkham Knight's vehicle

Call up your mission select screen and activate the main City of Fear mission once more. Return to ground level and jump into your vehicle. Next, follow the waypoint marker back to Mercy Bridge, ready to resume your hunt for Arkham Knight's vehicle. Park up on the glowing trigger spot and, once the bridge has been lowered, immediately enter Battle Mode.

Several tank drones line the bridge ahead so use your Vulcan Gun and cannon to take them out. Note that you'll encounter a new type of drone this time, capable of lobbing homing missiles in an arc toward you. Be warned: thanks to their attack trajectory, it can tricky to spot when you've been successfully targeted. You'll need to be extra vigilant as you proceed, shooting down any missiles that lock onto your position before they can strike. Also, pay heed to Alfred's advice and fire your Vulcan Gun at a drone's turret sensors to take them out instantly.

When peace is restored, activate the Batmobile's Forensics Scanner and begin following the tire tracks south through the streets. Be careful, however: there's an increased militia presence on Miagani Island now so you'll likely have to deal with more drones as you go. When you finally locate the Arkham Knight's abandoned vehicle, disembark to investigate the scene.

Investigate the crash site to find out what happened to Oracle and the Arkham Knight


Once you're back on foot, head through the bollards and follow the waypoint marker to Arkham Knight's vehicle. Activate your Evidence Scanner and begin sweeping the crash site.

First, scan the vehicle's left-hand exterior then move west until you locate the driver's corpse on the ground. Scan the body then return to the vehicle and scan its interior. Next, you need to find the missing door. Locate the ramp leading down to the water nearby and take a left along the dock. The car door lies on the ground at the end so scan it in to complete your reconstruction.

It seems that Oracle escaped the van before it crashed. To discover exactly when, begin reviewing the reconstruction. Head up the steps to the east and stop. Carefully rewind and fast-forward the reconstruction footage until you spot Oracle tumbling out of the passenger seat and onto the wooden pallet. Stop just before she disappears from the footage then scan in her body.

Next, move through the final portion of the footage until you see the mystery bullet hit the paving stones close to Oracle's head. Scan the bullet to proceed. Now, you need to locate the clue that Oracle left as she crawled away. Return to the broken pallet and slowly rewind the footage. Stop as she lifts her arm and tosses something to one side. Scan in the object that leaves her hand.

In The Line Of Duty Arkham Knight Ps4

With the scrambler device now in your possession, Lucius can make a start on tracking Oracle down. While you wait, there are two new Most Wanted mission to investigate: firstly, a mysterious figure has been seen on a Gotham rooftop close to a burning bat symbol. Next, a blaze has rocked a Bristol fire station. Gotham in Flames and Heir to the Cowl have now been added to your mission roster - let's go see what they're all about.

- Keep reading for our guide to completing Heir to the Cowl, the next mission in the game.

- Return to the index page for more entries in our Batman: Arkham Knight walkthrough.

Leave the parking lot and, once you're back in the rainy night air, follow the prompts to test out your newly-equipped afterburner. Be careful though - it's got a real kick to it. When you're ready to continue, head towards the waypoint marker and pass through the garage door that pops open as you explore the underpass.

Riddler racing

Investigate the Riddler's last known location

This prompts a surprise elevator descend down into the depths of Gotham, along with some suitably deranged banter from the Riddler himself. When the elevator comes to a halt, drive out into the tunnel and follow the on-screen instructions to override the Riddler's blockade and gain access to the first challenge. Hit accelerate and approach the starting line.


Your task here is to complete three laps of the Riddler's crazy race circuit, all within the strict time limit. Take a deep breath, activate the blockade override as instructed, then slam the pedal to begin. Unsurprisingly, the course is packed with traps - and you'll need to use the blockade button to open doors and adjust platforms as you careen toward them, reshaping the circuit as you go. You also need to pay attention to your surroundings, looking for the arrow markers on the floor that help guide your around the track.

At certain points, the ground drops away completely and you'll need to engage your afterburner in order to thunder up and along the tunnel walls. You can even barrel along the ceiling if you're feeling particularly fancy. Be warned, however: the Riddler's mechanised race course changes shape with each circuit, growing ever more perilous as you go. Shift platforms, scale walls and beat the clock for all three laps in order to complete the mission.

Don't worry if you mess up: you can simply keep driving around for another go at the most recent lap course. When victory is yours, turn around, drive out the exit tunnel, and ride the elevator back up to Gotham's shadowy streets.

With that bit of excitement over, call up the mission select screen and activate the City of Fear quest to continue on with the main story mission.

Meet Oracle at the Clock Tower to help locate Scarecrow

You should be a dab hand at navigating the city streets by now, so begin the journey towards the clock tower, as indicated by the waypoint marker. Pull up when you reach the glowing mission point beneath the clock tower and disembark.

When you're finally back on foot, grapple your way up to the top of the clock tower, climb onto the slate roof, then enter the building when prompted. Inside, toggle Detective Mode and locate the glowing yellow bust of Shakespeare on the nearby bookshelf. Interact with it to reveal Oracle's fancy tech, then use the computer control panel in the centre of the room to begin your analysis of Scarecrow's fear toxin.

Use the Panessa Studios Antenna to pinpoint Scarecrow's location

The Line Of Duty Arkham Knight Map

Your next task is to adjust the antenna at the Panessa Studios so that Oracle can run a citywide scan for incriminating radio waves. Grapple up and out of the clock tower, then do a running dive off the edge of the building to reach the ground. Deal with any goons in the area, then summon the Batmobile and begin journeying towards the waypoint marker.

In The Line Of Duty Arkham Knight

Rescuing Firefighter Leary-Wood

As you journey past Dixon Dock West, you'll intercept a radio message suggesting that some nearby goons are holding a fireman hostage. You'll need to rescue all of the firemen around Gotham in order to complete The Line of Duty quest so now is a good time to make a start.

Pull up by the Dixon Dock West gates and leave the Batmobile. Immediately activate Detective Mode and look up toward the guard tower to the right of the gate. Several thugs lurk inside, circling their hostage. Fling your grapple toward the glass window and smash on through to catch your opponents by surprise. Luckily, none of them are armed so it won't take more than a bit of fisticuffs to bring them all down. Once the coast is clear, interact with Firefighter Leary-Wood to complete your first rescue and earn yourself an upgrade point.

- Keep reading for our guide to continuing City of Fear, the first main mission in the game.

In The Line Of Duty Arkham Knight

- Head back to the first page for the rest of our Batman: Arkham Knight walkthrough.