Neopets Types provides Neopets users with game guides, helpful articles, solutions and goodies to guide your Neopets experience. With over 800 pages of quality content, you can't go wrong with Jellyneo! NeoPets Guides – Healing Potion Guide: For those of you who are battledomers, this is a complete guide to healing potions that you can use in/outside the battledome. Healing Potions That Be Used OUTSIDE The Battledome. 10 votes, 25 comments. A thread for people to casually post their bets, discuss, ask questions, etc. Food Club Resources Place Bets: Collect. Neopets Tcg Lot Of 4 Fundamental Promo Cards M. Smaller discs will dissipate upon influence, whereas bigger discs will maintain going via enemies until they hit a big sufficient hard object or reach their maximum vary. Divine Lightning – Sectonia can conjure blasts of lightning and manipulate lightning type magic.

There are two main types of codestones: regular codestones and red codestones. The 10 regular codestones are as follows: Bri Codestone, Eo Codestone, Har Codestone, Lu Codestone, Main Codestone, Mau Codestone, Orn Codestone, Tai-Kai Codestone, Vo Codestone, and Zei Codestone. The six red codestones are as follows: Cui Codestone, Kew Codestone, Mag.

How does it work:
For your neoHTML you can use any font type that exists of one word. If the font type has more than one word, then it will not work. Below you can see a list of one word font types that you can use in your neoHTML.

Neopets Types Of Omelettes

If some of the fonts below look like normal fonts to you, then you do not have these fonts installed on your computer, and therefore cannot see them.
Blue and green:
Green fonts are commercial fonts. If you do not have these fonts on your computer, and you really want it, then you need to pay to download them.
Blue fonts are fonts that you can download to your computer for free. There are quite a lot of font sites where you can download them from. Examples are and
Downloading a font:
If you decide to download a font, you will need to unzip it. You need Winzip to unzip maps, or if you have Windows XP, then you can just open the file you downloaded, and in the top left corner you can unzip the map. After you've unzipped the map, right click on the font (the blue TT icon), and select copy. Then you open Control Panel (you can find it in Start, either in Settings or straight away), and then open the map with Fonts. You right click and select paste, then your font is installed and you should be able to see it on this Typeface Chart.




































RansomRavieRedensekRefSpecialty (RefSpecialty)RiddleprintRingbearerRockwellRomanRoughedge


SanliteSchindlerScrawlScreenfox9ScriptScriptinaScottSerifSexsmithShlopSimplexSnoopySnowdriftSquireSoopafreshStencilStereofidelicStonehengeStopStopDStorybookSubwaySUGARFISHSummertimeSuperNovaFatSydnieSylfaenSymbol (Symbol)System

















Welcome to my guide for Wicked Wocky Wobble, the newest game to make it to Neopia. The goal of this guide is to help you improve your scores in Wicked Wocky Wobble.

To control Wallace the Wocky and his stack of items, simply move the mouse left and right.
  • If his stack of items is leaning to the left, move to the left, this will cause the stack to slowly begin moving to the right.
  • When the stack is leaning to the right, move to the right so the stack will lean to the left.
  • Don’t move too fast, the faster you move the more your stack leans.
  • The taller your stack the more it wobbles, and the less you can safely move.
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    • Falling item:
      This is the next item falling. Attempt to position the top of your stack under it to catch it.
  • Warf:

Neopets Types Of Cheese

    • This little guy comes running in from the left side of the screen to attempt to knock you off balance. (Drackonacks come in from the right side)

Neopets Wearable Wings Types

  • Wallace’s stack of items:
    • This are the items Wallace has caught, don’t let the stack tip over or it’s game over!
  • Score:
    • The amount of points you’ve accumulated in the game.
  • Items Caught:
    The number of items Wallace has caught, as this number grows the game gets harder!
Item NamePicturePoint Value
Oranella11 Points
Twirly Fruit11 Points
Spiky Orange Murex Shell22 Points
The Ixi Adventure22 Points
Garlic Jubjub Plushie35 Points
Mutant Jubjub Plushie35 Points
Speckled Jetsam Plushie35 Points
Illusen Plushie50 Points
Ixi Heroes50 Points
Taelia Plushie50 points
SPF 50 Sunblock80 Points
The Golden Journal80 Points
Wind Up Illusen Doll80 Points
Evil Coconut111 Points
Harffel Fruit111 Points
  • You do not have a set number of lives. It’s okay if you don’t catch every item.
  • The only items that will fall until you have two items in your stack are: Twirly Fruit, Oranella, Spiky Orange Murex Shell, and The Ixi Adventure.
    Once you have 2 items in your stack, Speckled Jetsam Plushie, Mutant Jubjub Plushie, and Garlic Jubjub Plushie will begin to fall.
  • You cannot lose the game until you have 2+ items in your stack. To optimize points, the first two items you should catch are Spiky Orange Murex Shell and The Ixi Adventure (worth 22 points each)
  • When a Warf is coming, move to the left; he’ll stop as soon as he gets close to you, giving you more space to maneuver.
  • When a Drackonack is coming, move to the right; he’ll stop as soon as he gets close to you, giving you more space to maneuver.
  • Type “wocky” to make a Buzzer appear holding an orb, catching the Buzzer with your stack will prevent it from wobbling for approximately 5 seconds. Your stack will only be frozen if you have 3+ items stacked (the buzzer will still drop though) One use per game
  • If your stack is relatively small (3 items, maybe 4) you may be able to run across the screen without dropping your stack; it is only recommended you try this if your stack is leaning almost all the way to one side and you need to get to the other side (ie. If your stack is almost all the way to the left and you need to move to the left side of the screen.) Once you make it across the screen, your stack should be leaning nearly all the way in the opposite direction than it was and can be very tricky to regain balance. This should only be attempted for a Harffel Fruit or Evil Coconut.

When you start the game, type “wock” (the beginning of the code “wocky”) this way you only have to push “y” to make the buzzer come down later. As you cannot lose until you have caught 2 or more items, it is highly recommended that you do not catch any Twirly Fruit or Oranella; these two are only worth 11 points, catching two of these as your first items only gives you 22 points, and you can easily lose with only 22 points. However, catching Spiky Orange Murex Shell and The Ixi Adventure as your first two items will give you 44 points. Once you have 2 items and 44 points, you should wait until a Speckled Jetsam Plushie, Mutant Jubjub Plushie, or Garlic Jubjub Plushie drops.
The best strategy is to only catch high point items, low point items do little for your score and make the game harder to progress in